Image credit: © UK Government
Side Event 100% renewable energy system: a credible target?
10 novembre 2021 de 16h45 à 18h – Room South Downs (Multimedia Studio 1)
Ce side event a été organisé par ParisTech via sa Chaire Modélisation Prospective au service du développement durable, avec la participation du Centre de Mathématiques Appliquées de Mines Paris – PSL et du CIRED. Le but de ce side event était d’aborder les conditions technico-économiques, sociologiques et politiques favorables à un système énergétique 100 % renouvelable, en croisant les perspectives nationales.
Achieving the carbon neutrality objectives of the energy system requires urgent transformations on a global and national scale over the century. This side event will highlight and analyze the issues and the complexity of the planning of decarbonized power systems under the prism of the renewable development. Lessons from modeling exercises and national experiences will illustrate the debate and a special attention will be paid to how developed and developing countries can envisage the future of their energy and economic systems in the Paris Agreement context.
• Nadia MAÏZI, (CMA, MINES ParisTech, PSL University, France; Lead author IPCC): Challenges of 100% REN energy system scenarios
• Stefan LECHTEMBÖHMER (Wuppertal) : Insights and challenges for a carbon neutral energy system in Germany
• Helen DE CONINCK (Raboud University ; Lead author IPCC): Overall perspectives (IPCC 1.5°C scenarios)
• Jean-Charles HOURCADE (CIRED; Lead author IPCC)
This side event, which aims to provide a forum for high-quality exchanges to consider the plausibility of future energy systems and the challenges of their deployment, will be the opportunity to demonstrate the contribution and interest of prospective modeling, to establish a dialogue between policy makers, experts and scientists. Beyond this side event will contribute to the reflection on the direction of public and private strategies, in an accompanying process of climate negotiations.
Retrouvez ce Side Event en intégralité sur YouTube [EN] :
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