July 1st-5th – CIRED, Paris
The third Summer School in Economic modelling of Environment, Energy and Climate took place from July 1st to July 5th at CIRED headquarters, Paris. The topic of this third edition was « Inequalities and Climate Change« .
The distribution of climate change damages across regions, and across rich and poor households, will strongly influence the welfare benefits of avoiding those damages. Likewise, the distributional impact of climate policies will strongly influence their implementation and their implications in terms of social welfare. Accounting for spatial and social heterogeneity in economic modelling is therefore critical to inform better climate policies.
The aim of the Summer School is to foster scientific exchanges between participants and faculty members about these issues and the methods relevant to address the different dimensions of the topic, including Integrated Assessment Models, CGE models, econometrics, microsimulation, theory, etc.
The lectures given by the School’s faculty members provide the background scientific material. Participants were asked to present a version of their research. Additional activities include group project exercises, reading sessions, conferences and social events.
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