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Journée de la Chaire MPDD 2022
10 juin 2022 — 10h30-17h00
Fight against climate change
What mitigation solutions?
10h00 : Coffee reception
10h30 – 10h35 : Opening by Mines Paris – PSL
10h35 – 13h00 : Closing session of the Seminar Scenarios for a “sustainable” France: from 0 to 100%
Chair : Nadia MAÏZI and Jean-Charles HOURCADE
- Introduction : Aurélien LECAILLE | GRTgaz : Scoping and presentation of scenarios
- Exploring scenarios
- ADEME (Artelys) | Stefan LOUILLAT et David MARCHAL
- SFEN | Valérie FAUDON
- RTE | Marc LE DU
- ADEME (Artelys) | Stefan LOUILLAT et David MARCHAL
- Debate : des scénarios pour quels enjeux ? Nadia MAÏZI et Jean-Charles HOURCADE
- Discussion with the room
13H –14h30 : Lunch buffet
14h30 –17h00 : Understanding the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report
- Contribution of Working Group III: Mitigation
- Franck LECOQ | CIRED, co-author of WG III
- Nadia MAÏZI | CMA, co-author of WG III
- Jean-Charles HOURCADE | CIRED, co-author of Synthesis Report
- Franck LECOQ | CIRED, co-author of WG III
- Contribution of Working Group I and II: Climate physics and adaptation
- Valérie MASSON-DELMOTTE | IPSL/LSCE, Vice President of Working Group I
- Valérie MASSON-DELMOTTE | IPSL/LSCE, Vice President of Working Group I