Seminar ParisTech Chair Prospective Modeling

July 4, 2012 from 10am to 12pm – Campus du Jardin Tropical, Indochine room

Program [French]

  • Climate simulations of the IPSL-ESM model: the role of the carbon cycle (Laurent BOPP, LSCE)[PDF] (French)
  • Socio-economic trajectories of emission reduction with the IMACLIM-R model: transitions, rhythms and narratives (Julie ROZENBERG, CIRED) [PDF] (French)
  • GHG concentrations, compatible emissions and costs of climate policies (Laurent Bopp, LSCE) [PDF]( French)
  • Land use constraints in emission stabilization scenarios (Thierry Brunelle, CIRED) [PDF] (French)

Attribution of anthropogenic causes of climate change through the carbon cycle: the GIS ACACCYA project (Thomas Gasser, CIRED) [PDF] (French)

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